Saturday, 18 April 2015


A few weeks ago (21/3) I visited a friend (who I had met on holiday in Sanya) in Panyu, a district of Guangzhou I had never ventured before. Panyu is the original starting point of the city of Guangzhou before it expanded to become the 3rd largest city in China. The reason I had never been before was purely because it is at the complete opposite end of the metro system to me and it's even more of a trek to get to the actual ancient town of Panyu itself after that (I definitely couldn't have done it without my local guide). I don't have any pictures of my day out in the ancient town because I was too busy chatting and trying to navigate my way through the narrow, busy streets to think about my camera. The ancient town is heavily restored but it wears it well - the place feels like it has retained more character than some places here that receive the face-lift treatment. Some of the buildings also house museums - one was laid out like a lay persons house so it was nice to see for a change how 'normal' people lived rather than just the rich families. 

The busiest building in the whole town was home to the cafe that serves a dessert that is famously produced in Panyu (it has won awards and tv documentaries have been made about it). This famous dish (I've forgotten what it's called) is very similar to custard in consistency, but it doesn't have the strong vanilla flavour, instead this particular type of custard is famous for it's very strong (potentially overpowering) ginger flavour.  The desserts are all served in traditional style chinese bowls and I had mine topped with r ed beans, just to increase the Chinese dining experience (this country love red beans!) I really enjoyed but then again I love custard, ginger and red beans so it would have been hard to hate it.

G x

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