Sunday, 18 January 2015

Exams: week 1

So my first week of exams has been more successful than I expected. It has felt like a very long week though - paying 100% attention all the time is surprisingly exhausting.

I have had some very interesting speeches and discussions to listen to which has made the week quite interesting as well as eye-opening. I gave my students four different topics to choose from, to give them some speech inspiration as well as to make sure they didn't start talking about very obscure things. The topics were:
  1. Sports
  2. Holidays
  3. Sports
  4. Movies/TV
A lot of the students described the school as beautiful in their speeches, as well as green?!?! However, some  described the boarding school as a prison. The food also got slated, with reports of cockroaches and other un-identified objects being found in student food -  a bit grim to say the least...

Our 'beautiful' school

Some students were having pretend arguments in their dialogues, some even tried flattery
A: "I think our teacher, whose name is Gillian, is very responsible." 
B: "No, I think she is very beautiful and nice" - It didn't score them any more points but it did make me laugh.
Another student made sure to check that I was in a good mood before class started so that I would give them all good grades...

One group decided to talk about music and decided that playing their guitars, rather than talking English would help them pass the exam - it didn't wash with me, but I did at least compliment them on the guitar playing.

One girl, after talking about her home-province of Yunnan offered to be my tour-guide, i'll have to keep here in mind as i'm thinking of going there in February.

I'll have to see what next week holds, and whether if I can find a way to stop some of them physically shaking, I like to think i'm not that scary....

G x

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