Last week was easy peasy teaching wise - I only had to teach 10 out of my 19 weekly classes - gotta love sports day! It did mean I didn't really get to teach my St. Andrew's Day lesson though so I haven't quite got the youths of China greeting each other with 'Fit like i' day' but there's plenty of time yet for that.
Sport's day here is quite and affair. Each class designs and wears their individual t-shirts or jumpers, some were were better than others, it has to be said but funnily enough most of the slogans they had written on them were in English - this made for an entertaining morning for Tom and I.
I'm not really sure how sports day works at the school - not everyone seems to take part but sports seem to include track running, high-jump, long-jump and shot-put so not all that different from sports day anywhere else - not a half-time orange in sight though!
To be honest I think the main attraction of sports day turned into Tom and I - i've never had my photo taken so many times in the space of an hour. Everybody seemed to want pictures with the white teachers - I didn't even recognise half of the pupils who all seemed to know my name (not that they can pronounce it properly - Julian seems to be the closest pronunciation they can manage!).
There were even two pupils (well at least I think they were pupils) dressed up as Minions. I say I hope they were minions because Tom and I decided to simultaneously run at one and hug them - definitely not what they were expecting when they excitedly waved at us - he ran off pretty sharpish afterwards as well which was funny.
So whilst the students were pretending to do two days worth of sports I got 2 days off work to enjoy the very hot weather we were having - i'm not complaining! Here's me thinking I was going to be worked to the bone and I think i've had more weeks incomplete weeks than complete weeks!
G x